6 ways to improve your marks at high school level

6 ways to improve your marks at high school level

Improving high school marks can be hard when you don’t know what you are doing. In this article we are going to discuss how you can do better in your academics at high school level.

The tactics I am going to express in this article worked for me few years back. They may still be applicable nowadays.

While I was in high school I made sure that I arrived early at school. This is one first killer thing to do.

1. Arrive early at school

the benefits of being early

Someone might be asking himself why he or she should waste his or her precious time by going to school early. My dear brother and sister, have you ever heard of a saying which runs thus “an early bird catches the worm.” Don’t just wake up early then wait for the classes to commence. When you arrive there, do your work; read and read and do some exercises where possible.

Back in my schooling days, I would wake early then went to school. For the first two years in  high school,our school library opened at 05:00 am. This was an opportunity for me since it only took me 10 minutes to walk to school. When I got at school, I would go straight to the library to read until the morning prayer alarm went off. I would find my dear brothers and sisters in the upper classes.

This made them to like me. And hence we connected on an academic level. I was not trying to be seen since my classmate only saw me at the assembly. It was then that I would show that I do something while alone when the teacher gave us some work. Now you get the point of being early!

2. Network with people who can help

network with other students

I already mentioned that I connected with my elder brothers. Whenever i had a problem with understanding a certain concept, I would just ask for help. And that worked for me. It can still work for you too!.

3. Consult your teachers

consult with your teacher

If somehow you can’t seem to understand what the people you asked help from told you, then your teacher is the right man to see! But hey don’t  just go empty handed saying I don’t understand all of this…try to do your work. Try to at least figure some of the concept so that you wouldn’t appear to be a lazy bone which doesn’t do its work. If the teacher who taught you the concept doesn’t give you the light you sought for, my brother, go to another one. But don’t try to show off to your teacher that another teacher said this and that,that can cause some dispute between them.

4. Try to be ahead of your teacher

be ahead of your teacher

Read books before hand, if possible read some of the books throughout to the end. Especially books which are narrative, short stories and any others which allow you to. This will help you to understand the entire message the book is passing. Not only is that, but it will be much simpler when the teacher comes to explain if you already read. But be warned, this will need a lot of sacrificing; pulling yourself away from your favourite soapy operas and TV shows. So you have to be  ready to to make sacrifices if you want to do better.

5. Make a group with hard working people.

Make a group with hard working people.

If you are a middle class student, try to be in a group of people who perform better than you. This will help you because they may give you other methods of solving things. This can make you find a better self in you!

6. Join clubs or do some exercises

Join clubs or do some exercises

Excersing keeps you fresh and active. So try to join clubs or take some morning jog so that you keep you body active. A fresh mind helps in understanding new concepts. So keep up with those exercises.