Step By Step Guide in Reading Qualitatively

qualitative reading

Many students fail to read qualitatively, hence why they fail in their exams. This articles is a step by step guide in reading qualitatively.


 The following are the steps that will give you guidance in reading qualitatively. But first, let’s define what Qualitative reading means according to aca-Guidance.

What is qualitative reading?

Qualitative reading – this is the process of reading with the purpose of fully understanding the concept at hand.

Steps of reading qualitatively

1. Set temporary goals

When you read, don’t just read for the sake of serving your parents’ order. You should have goals for the piece that you are reading. For example, what are you hoping to achieve after reading? Evaluate yourself as to whether you can be able to remember everything you learnt from that piece. If the answer is yes! Well you deserve a cup of tea. You would have nailed something valuable.

2. Divide the piece or notes into sections

Sometimes whenreading you feel like oh my my…I’m just so tired. That reading spirit can fade in just a minute due to too much information you may to have to read at once.

Set yourself some boundaries that today I will read from here up to here. That way you won’t have to overfeed your head with too much information at once. Take baby steps for Rome was not built in a day.

3. Test yourself after taking a break

It’s always good to test, test and test! After taking a break either by taking a nap or taking a walk, or doing whatever it is that you would like to do when you take a break from your studies, try to challenge yourself. Ask yourself questions, answer them without referring to the notes.

4. Know when to stop

If somehow you begin to feel bored or tired or not understanding the concept you are reading, stop! That is an order before you end up forgetting what you just learnt! You cannot keep going on with something which you don’t understand. It is a waste of your precious time. Know that itis time to do something else. But don’t just stop then leave things like that, write down what you couldn’t understand so that the next day you ask for help.

5. Set schedule for reading.

Make it a routine that at a certain time, I take my books and read. This can be effective at home where you got all the freedom unlike at school. That way, you will make your life easier if you do read based on a schedule.

6. Choose a good place to read

It is wise to pull away from your bed when read. The reason being, you will start being sleepy if you read in your bed. Yes some people still manage to do it but..the question is…can you too read while in bed?  If you can’t,do not imitate other people,come up with your unique way of doing things.

Now I’m going to conclude this article by asking you to please follow the steps,they shall help you achieve your academic goals. Oh and please feel free to comment under this article. Until next time, ciao!