Are you embarrassed by your bad breath? Here’s what to do

drawbacks of bad breath

Bad breath also known as  halitosis makes you to feel embarrassed whenever you are around people. You are always anxious about your breath more than anything. Whenever you go meet up with your lover, you have to use something that makes your breath not to stink.

I have been suffering for bleeding gums for a period of 26 years. As a result of this, I ended up having a bad breath in some days. A bad breath can cost you many things. Let’s say you are in a business meeting, do you think a person you are discussing a business deal with you will pay attention? If you have a good business deal, he or she will have to reschedule a virtual meeting.

As of this writing, I am so happy because I no longer suffer from bleeding gums; I don’t experience bad breath. I managed to get rid of bleeding gums permanently, and i no longer have to worry about my breath smelling bad. I achieved this by doing what male persons hate most. If you want to learn how I overcame this, you will have to read on as i go down with this article.

how to overcome bleeding gums and bad breath


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From what I have learnt since I released a video which explains the drawbacks of bad breath, many people are dealing with a condition of bleeding gums. This is why today I decided to make a written version of that video. In this article you will learn about the following:

  • Bad breath causes
  • Drawbacks of bad breath
  • Bad breath solutions
  • How to get rid of bad breath in the morning
  • Bad breath after brushing teeth
  • Bad breath treatment
  • Questions answered about bad breath

Now, without any further ado, let’s dive in with this article.

What is the most common cause of bad breath?

What is the most common cause of bad breath?

Bleeding gums is one of the main causes of bad smell in most people. From what I have discovered, a large percentage of people are suffering from this condition. Men or males are the leading persons with a bad breath. I do believe that men often have bad breath because we don’t like to take care of our health. We believe that a man has to endure whatever pain he experience simply because he is the head. What

Food we eat

 The breakdown of food particles in and around your teeth can increase bacteria and cause a foul odor. The food remains form a hard yellowish surface on bottom of the teeth, and that may cause loose teeth if not treated at an early stage. Eating certain foods, such as onions, garlic and spices, also can cause bad breath. If you enjoy garlic or spices, ensure that you don’t over-eat them, you will experience a bad breath.

Tobacco products

Tobacco products

Smoking causes its own unpleasant mouth odor. People who smoke tobacco are also more likely to have gum disease. I have already mentioned that one of the major causes of bad breath is bleeding gums. A large percentage of smokers in Africa is that of males.

I am sure you have smelled the breath of that friend of yours who smokes. How is it? Is it smelling sweet nectar or the odor is bad? Well, I will leave you to answer that question on your own. LOL. Smoking makes a mouth to have a bad odor, you have to ensure that you wash your mouth more often if you are smoking.

Poor dental hygiene

Poor dental hygiene may also result in your breath smelling bad. It is recommended that you change your toothbrush after every 3 months. Many people don’t do that, and when a toothbrush has worn out, it won’t be able to remove the left food particles left in between teeth. When you brush your teeth, you should also ensure that you brush your tongue. A tongue can also can trap a bacteria which can result in many oral problems and that will result in a bad odor.

It is also recommended that you brush your teeth twice a day. If you don’t do that, you are at the risk of suffering from poor dental hygiene diseases such as halitosis or bleeding gums. One more thing that you it is recommended is that you should use mouth wash or floss and rinse your mouth after eating. But hey, don’t overdo it because it will damage your teeth.


Some medications can indirectly produce bad breath by contributing to dry mouth. Others can be broken down in the body to release chemicals that can be carried on your breath. You should be careful not to buy any medication from the black market, some of the medication may leave a bad odor. Not all medication from the black market does that, but be careful.


Alcohol causes bad breath

Alcohol consumption is another culprit of bad breath, so the more often you drink – the more likely you are to experience it. Drinking alcohol, particularly in excess, causes a decrease in saliva production, which is the best environment for odor-causing bacteria to flourish.


too much coffee causes bad breath

If you’re a big fan of a strong cup of coffee in the morning to start your day, you may have noticed that it can leave you feeling like you have bad breath. Coffee can be a cause of bad breath due to its intense flavour as well as the effect it has on saliva production.

Infections in your mouth

Bad breath can be caused by surgical wounds after oral surgery, such as tooth removal, or as a result of tooth decay, gum disease or mouth sores.

Other mouth, nose and throat conditions

Bad breath can occasionally stem from small stones that form in the tonsils and are covered with bacteria that produce odor. Infections or chronic inflammation in the nose, sinuses or throat, which can contribute to postnasal drip, also can cause bad breath.

High-sugar Diets

High-sugar Diets cause bad breath

In addition to adventurous or spicy foods, diets that are high in sugar and protein can also result in bad breath. A diet high in sugar can lead to bad breath and could be the culprit for halitosis due to how sugars interact with the existing bacteria in your mouth.

Other causes

Diseases, such as some cancers, and conditions such as metabolic disorders, can cause a distinctive breath odor as a result of chemicals they produce. Chronic reflux of stomach acids (gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD) can be associated with bad breath. Bad breath in young children can be caused by a foreign body, such as a piece of food, lodged in a nostril.

Types of bad breath or smells

Bad breath can come in many forms, some people have breath that stinks like a toilet. Whenever someone opens his or her mouth, you will want to cover your nose. The only thing that will stop you from doing that is, feeling ashamed to embarrass another person. Below are the common types of bad smells that come from a human being.

  • Breath that smells of boiled cabbage –
  • Breath that smells like feaces
  • Breath that smells fishy
  • Breath that smells like sweaty feet
  • Breath that smells like maple syrup
  • Breath that smells musty
  • Breath that smells of ammonia or urine
  • Breath that smells sour
  • Breath that smells like nail polish remover
  • Breath that smells rotten or fetid (like garbage or death)
  • Breath that smells sweet or fruity

To find out what actually causes all these bad breath, go read an article about What Causes Common Types of Bad Breath Smells?

Side effects of bad breath

When your breath smells bad, you don’t like to talk much you are embarrassed of the bad odor that will come out of your mouth. However, that is not the only thing you can experience. Your confidence diminishes, you don’t feel confident about yourself, you are always anxious about what other people are saying about you. Apart from that, the below are the drawbacks of a bad smell or breath.

  • You are reluctant to date
  • People reject you
  • You feel lonely due to rejection
  • You socialize less often

Bad breath solutions and treatment

If you want to treat a bad odor, you should go visit a doctor. In the past, I overcame this problem by going to a doctor. At first, i didn’t understand why I was having this condition. But as i began reading about it, I realized that I needed to go to a dental doctor. I went there to do dental checking, i was given medication to treat bleeding gums. As I was taking this medication, that is when bad breath ceased.

But that doesn’t mean that its the only way to treat halitosis, you can treat it by using any toothpaste which treats halitosis..

  • Practice good dental hygiene
  • Get regular dental checkups
  • Talk to a healthcare professional
  • Stop using tobacco products
  • Use products that help with dry mouth

How to get rid of bad breath in the morning

To prevent your breath from smelling in the morning, you should ensure that you brush your teeth before you sleep. That will remove any bacteria that may formulate in the mouth which may result in the bad odor.

Baking Soda

baking powder

Another helpful tool in the morning breath battle: gargle baking soda before going to bed. This creates an alkaline environment in your mouth that helps kill bacteria. Use a teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water and gargle it for one minute. 

Tongue Scraper

tongue scrapper

Did you know about 85 percent of your bad breath comes from the back of your tongue? Stick out your tongue to view the white or brown coating at the back.

Bad breath after brushing teeth

Sometimes you may experience bad odor even after brushing your teeth. If that happens, you need to check if you have cavities in your teeth or your gums bleed. If you have one of those oral conditions, you will not have a good smell. Your breath will definitely smell bad!

Ensure that you treat those oral conditions first, after that, you will start to see a change. Cavities are small holes that get formed on the surfaces of teeth. If you eat too sugary foods, you will experience cavities. This is why children are forbidden to eat too much sweets.

Pills or tablets for bad breath from the stomach

How to fix bad breath from the stomach

To get rid of a bad smell from the stomach, you need to eat fruits. The following are the fruits that will help you to get rid of that bad smell:

  • Munch on a carrot, a stick of celery, or an apple.
  • Eat your veggies.
  • Eat yogurt more frequently. But stay away from the sugary ones.
  • Eat Cherries
  • You should also drink green tea.
  • Citrusy fruits are bad for the bacteria and good for you.
  • Ginger lemon tea is a great mouth deodorizer.
  • Drink a lot of water

Common questions answered about bad breath

How to cure bad breath permanently?

If you want to cure bad breath permanently, you have to find the root cause of it. If you are having a bad breath because of bleeding gums, you need to deal with bleeding gums and heal from it first. If you have cavities, you need to deal with it first, or you will be bluffing. You have to take care of the root cause first.

If you have a bad breath because of you smoking, then its about time you stopped smoking. If its because of the food you eat, well stop eating that particular food. If its because of a health related condition, you should go to a doctor. You should also floss, rinse and brush your teeth more frequently.

How do you know if your breath smells bad?

You can know by looking at the reaction of other people while you talk. If when you talk people look away, my friend, you need to be careful about this. Your breath might be bad!

Can I smell my own bad breath?

Yes you can smell your own bad breath. You just have to put your hand before your mouth and then act as if you are yawning. If your breath stinks, you will smell the bad odor. If it doesn’t smell bad, you will also smell it.